Privacy is a Currency

Important Bookmarks

  • 12:02:54 - Introduction and Anwar's background

  • 12:06:34 - Why are Families and Family Offices cyber targets?

  • 12:07:53 - What is the difference between IT, cyber security and privacy?

  • 12:10:43 - Why do executive assistants pose one of the most significant risks to HNW families?

  • 12:12:16 - How are HNW families being exposed? | "Every click you take, every post you make, someone is watching you."

  • 12:13:48 - How do families share information while remaining safe?

  • 12:15:01 - What are the risks due to surveillance capitalism?

  • 12:16:16 - What are some risks posed by criminals towards families?

  • 12:17:01 - How can criminals still find personal information about us, even if we believe we don't have an online presence?

  • 12:20:31 - What exposures do families face risks when sharing too much online?

  • 12:21:42 - What steps can we take immediately to begin protecting ourselves?

  • 12:23:08 - What does it mean when a criminal targets us in a "credible way"

  • 12:25:12 - How do families protect their reputations?

  • 12:26:14 - How does every family member at every age pose a risk to everyone else's reputation, privacy and legacy?

  • 12:29:21 - What is the difference between governance and protection between business and person risk?

  • 12:31:28 - What are the critical cyber issues facing families? (Patriarch, matriarch, daters, gamers, social influencers, etc.)

  • 12:39:08 - How are some criminal organizations set up like legitimate companies?

  • 12:41:26 - What critical governance policies are required for Family Offices and families?

  • 12:44:22 - Why don't families take protection, prevention and governance seriously?

  • 12:46:57 - Why are criminals today's cyber paparazzi?

  • 12:47:24 - How does Anwar protect his own family?

  • 12:51:01 - Private school vs. parents altercation around controversial browsing at school.

  • 12:56:27 - Audience Question: What are your thoughts on password managers?

  • 12:57:33 - Audience Question: What type of password manager should we use? (browser vs. phone vs. app, etc)

Click here to download Top 10 Tips to Secure Your Smart Devices
Click here to view presentation on “Protecting Your Privacy, Family, and Reputation"